Some of the services we offer are:

  • Insurance Replacement Valuations. Arguably the most common reason for having a valuation written. Having a professional valuation will make for an easier road should you ever have to make a claim with your insurance company.  In addition to a detailed technical description of your item, the valuation includes a macro-photograph of your piece. If you were to lose a ring that had significant sentimental value, that macro photograph could help your jeweller to recreate your lost item.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words!

  • Private Sale. You may wish to sell a piece of jewellery and need to know what you could expect to sell it for. The best definition of this value that I know is, “A willing buyer and a willing seller who have no time constraints on the transaction”.

  • Estate Division. Sometimes this level takes the form of work requested by a solicitor in dividing up items to beneficiaries.  However, there is another way to look at this expression.  For instance, if you are trying to decide how to divvy up items to your next generation, you may want the advice of a Valuer to help determine the “fair market value” of each piece.

  • Divorce Settlement. This is usually requested by a party’s solicitor, in the event of a divorce. The courts consider Registered Jewellery Valuers are qualified enough to be called as an expert witness.

  • Probate Value. Again, this is usually done at the request of a solicitor when an estate is being probated.

No matter what type of valuation you require, I/My attention to detail is the same:

Exacting measurements and calculations.

Gemological identification through the use of sophisticated equipment and years of experience.